Benefits of Working as a Dr-Julian Permanent Therapist

Hello, I'm Laura. I'm a CBT therapist and clinical supervisor and have been with Dr Julian for just over six months. If you're interested in joining the team, here are some of my reasons why I love working with Dr Julian as a permanent member of staff.

Laura Marsden
CBT Therapist and Clinical Supervisor
March 30, 2023


No two days are the same. I'm encountering new things and developing my skills and experience every day. Since working with Dr Julian I've had the opportunity to be involved in varied project work, supportingour head office staff with social media and developing and running our CPD programme. I've been supported and encouraged to push myself out of my comfort zone, and I'm a better supervisor and clinician for this.


This might sound a little strange as Dr Julian is a remote working company, but I have found that the Dr Julian community, comprising of both self-employed, and permanent staff is a close knit one.  

We use Teams channels to stay connected to one another and working remotely means that we all make more of a concerted effort to support one another than if we were working side by side in an office. All of the team bring something different to the table, and inclusivity is at the heart of the company.


As an employee of a company of this size and structure, you have the chance to have your say, and therefore have a chance to shape how the company grows. Senior management are receptive to feedback and it's rewarding to be a part of something where you see your own ideas and contributions being rolled out. It feels like you can make a difference.

If you would like to come and work with us on a permanent or self-employed basis we would love to have you!

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